Beginner Surf Lesons
If you’ve never tried surfing before or have tried a few times, we will teach you everything you need know to go from catching white wash waves assisted by an instructor to consistently catching open-face waves on your own!
Your first class covers popping up, surfing etiquette and ocean safety.
There are a variety of pop-up techniques for beginners. We typically start off with the “Set and Step” technique and later move to the traditional pop-up. “Set and Step” helps you to master good foot positioning so you are steady on every wave. Additionally, you learn paddling technique and how to effectively position yourself on the board.
Intermediate Surf Lessons
Once you are consistently catching waves on your own you and surfing on the wave face you can start thinking about BIG TURNS and other maneuvers. The foundation for impressive surfing depends on the ability to build speed, set up a bottom turn, and come off the top of a wave successfully. Intermediate lessons focus on intricate body, board, and wave mechanics that are fundamental to surfing well. As you learn these skills you’ll be able to perform classic surfing maneuvers like floaters, reos, cutbacks, etc. (and all the different variations).
It can be a long road going from the whitewash to throwing spray, but if you are like us you will love every minute!
Group Surf Lessons
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Family Deals
Description text. Pér áccusam corrumpit án, ex eos enim régione honestatis. Indoctum praesént liberavisse éos ex. Pri té salé etiam albucius, at debet dígnissim cúm. Cú qui eros neglegentur, ne utíñam probatus cónstituam eam. Et eos eius eránt íuvaret, sea in graeco prómpta.
Sub-alpine terrace and astonishing views
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